Insurance Experience

Electrical Contractor

Client’s Issue: Industrial warehouse fire caused $52,000,00 in proper damage in Bridgeport, PA.  client one of 35 Defendants at the beginning of pretrial proceedings.  All other Defendants settled and trial proceeded against our client.

Sherr Law Approach: Despite extreme pressure from Court through attempted intimidation and a premier attorney representing the Plaintiff class, we steadfastly refused the exorbitant settlement demands and successfully guided the matter through three months of pretrial procedures and trial.

Result: While jury was deliberating and asked questions clearing signaling a verdict in favor of our client, Plaintiff agreed to take our original offer of settlement and entire matter settled.

Surface Conditions in a School District

Client’s Issue: Client sued as a result of an alleged hazardous condition of playground.  A child fell off playground apparatus and the claim was that the surface was unsafe and constituted a hazard.

Sherr Law Approach: Conducted discovery and defense was asserted that the surface was not the cause of the accident and it was not negligent having the surface.  We employed a national expert on playground safety to testify.

Result: Defense verdict at trial.

Township Election

Client’s Issue: Lawsuit against Township and individual Supervisors claiming that an existing Supervisor was defamed during an election by accusations that he was guilty of theft of services by using Township resources for his campaign.

Sherr Law Approach: Sherr Law Group aggressively defended the matter on basis of truth of the assertions made against the Plaintiff, lack of publication of alleged defamatory statements and privilege.

Result: Summary judgment granted for Defendants affirmed on appeal by Third Circuit Court of Appeals

Manufacturer (“Do-it-Yourself” Hardware Items)

Client’s Issue: Client sued for patent infringement and defamation.

Sherr Law Approach: Defended on basis that similar sounding name was not an infringement and claims that defamatory statements were true.

Result: Summary judgment awarded for Defendant.

Borough Council Member

Client’s Issue: Client was a Borough Council Member accused of defamation by a Borough Police Officer because of statements made to Borough residents and the State Police about the misdeeds of the Officer including sex with under aged girls.

Sherr Law Approach: Aggressive defense.  Filed Preliminary Objections to original Complaint and four Amended Complaints.  Asserted privilege and factual defenses.

Result: Case settled for small nuisance value, which was a small fraction of what was being requested.

Sledding Accident in a Township

Client’s Issue: Township sued by parents of 10 year old boy who died as a result of a sledding accident on a hill owned by the Township.  Allegations were that the Township was liable for allowing a dangerous condition to exist which consisted of a drainage culvert with a gabion rock headwall.  Liability was also alleged to be predicated upon failure of the Township to close the hill due to extreme icy conditions.

Sherr Law Approach: Our insurance defense attorney aggressively defended matter on basis that father allowing child to sled in obvious dangerous conditions was the cause of the accident and that the drainage culvert was not a dangerous condition given its location.

Result: Matter settled for a favorable amount as a result of reluctance of Plaintiffs to try the case.

Auto Accident in a Township

Client’s Issue:  Three teenage fatalities in an auto accident alleging Township was liable for allowing a dangerous condition of the road consisting of lack of warning signs and other traffic controls.

Sherr Law Approach:  Favorable settlement reached after extensive discovery and while summary judgment motion was pending.  Aggressively defended matter and established record through depositions and request for admissions sufficient to move for summary judgment.


Client’s Issue: Client sued in a wrongful death case of a 14 year old in backseat of her mother’s car in a construction zone.  Claim was that client failed to properly design and build construction zone.

Sherr Law Approach: Conducted extensive discovery to position the matter for summary judgment.

Result: Favorable settlement reached.


Client’s Issue: Client manufactured several products during and after World War II which contained asbestos.  There were over 5,000 cases pending with about ¼ involving wrongful death claims.

Sherr Law Approach: We tried 10 individual cases a month for a 3 year period asserting that deceased cause of death was not asbestos related.

Result: Many more defense verdicts than adverse monetary verdicts.