Stefanie Sherr: Third-Generation Attorney Joins Firm

Stefanie Sherr - Sherr Law GroupWe’re very pleased to announce that Tony’s daughter Stefanie Sherr has joined the firm as an associate attorney. Introducing a third generation of the Sherr clan to the firm. Stefanie is excited to build upon her previous experience as a public defender at the Defender Association of Philadelphia. Stefanie is ready to help on the full range of litigation issues.

We sat down with Stefanie to learn more about her career so far and what this new chapter means to her.

At what point in your life did you know you wanted to be a lawyer?

I realized that I wanted to be a lawyer at some point during high school. I always really looked up to my father and both of my grandfathers, who were all lawyers. I tried mock trial in high school and loved it, and from that point on was determined to become a lawyer!

What was it like graduating from law school at Temple?

I LOVED Temple Law School.  Not only did I get an awesome education, but I made wonderful friends and professional connections. I really loved the trial advocacy training I received at Temple; I felt like it really prepared me to go right out to Court when I became a public defender.  It was also really special because my grandfather graduated from Temple Law School!  Since he is a Temple Law Alumni, I got to have my grandfather walk with me and hand me my diploma at my law school graduation.

What did you learn about justice serving as a public defender?

As a public defender, I learned a lot about what our justice system is lacking and all of the inequalities in it. I often found that being a public defender has the highest highs and the lowest lows…and the lows are not infrequent. 

I think public defenders have one of the most important jobs in the world, and I am honored to have worked at the Defender Association of Philadelphia.  I received some of the absolute best training a trial lawyer can get at the Defender Association, and I was in court day in and day out putting that training to use. I really appreciate my experience there, and I hope to continue doing that sort of important work for those who need someone to stand by their side for the rest of my career.

How does it feel working at the office with your dad every day?

My dad and I have always had a very close relationship, and it is so cool to have our relationship expand into a new professional relationship. He is an awesome person to learn from. I always knew he was a great lawyer, but now I get to see it firsthand!

What do you look forward to your dad teaching you?

I look forward to learning anything and everything! From substantive law to professional technique, I know I will learn so much from him. I also look forward to being a person my clients can really rely on in a difficult time.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

In my spare time my fiancé and I love to go to the beach.  We really like to travel, especially to Maine to see my sister and sister-in-law, but we also love to just relax at home! During my time at home I love to hang out with our two cats, Loly and Walter. Family time is my favorite, and I am lucky to have a lot of family in the area to spend time with!



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